When asked about his role at the WAC Naatz stated, “Nothing here has ever felt like work. I genuinely believe in what the Watershed Agricultural Council stands for and look forward to advancing our collective efforts.”
Bud Gladstone, Council Chair, stated, “As Chair, it is an honor to announce the appointment of such a dedicated staff member who began his career with the Watershed Agricultural Council as a Land Conservation Specialist, moving onto Easement Program Director, Interim Executive Director and now Executive Director. Thank you, Ryan, for stepping up and leading the WAC in our mission to fulfill our obligations for land conservation and clean water for NYS residents. After a year of uncertainty and trying times, Ryan has proven himself to be an outstanding and true leader as well as a relationship builder for both partners and our funder, NYC DEP. Ryan not only accepted the Interim role during difficult times, but he rose to the occasion and has been able to help the WAC get back on a positive path moving forward.”
The Watershed Agricultural Council looks forward to the stability and experience Naatz brings to this position.