Logger Training Classes
Download a copy of the 2025 Logger Calendar.
*All classes are eligible for 1 CE credit.
Logger Training Calendar

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March 2025
Davenport, NY 13750 United States
Use PATH (Planning and Analysis in Timber Harvesting) to track your operating costs and profitability from job-to-job. Understand key findings of a WAC Forestry study that estimated profitability for 50 logging jobs in the NYC Watershed region. Get paid to participate in the research. This class is eligible for 1 TLC CE Credit. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 x 119 to register.
Find out more »April 2025
Introduces open face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it. Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength. This class will take place in the Catskills Region, exact location to be determined closer to the day. Preference is given to loggers in the NYC Watershed Region, and those participating in our programs. Will be located in the Catskills Region. Call Heather at (607)…
Find out more »Walton, NY 13856 United States
This class is one of the three core classes required to become Trained Logger Certified. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 ext. 119 to register.
Find out more »Walton, NY 13856 United States
This training covers wildlife habitat, timber harvest planning, soil and water quality protection, and other topics. This class is one of the three core classes required to become Trained Logger Certified. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 extension 119 to register.
Find out more »May 2025
This class focuses on maximizing chainsaw performance through basic maintenance, carburetor setting, and filing techniques. Limbing and bucking techniques are introduced, spring pole cutting is covered and more felling is practiced. This class is eligible for 1 TLC CE Credit. Preference is given to loggers in the NYC Watershed Region, and those participating in our programs. This class will be located in the Catskills Region. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 extension 119 to register.
Find out more »June 2025
This class focuses on techniques for handling difficult trees. Topics covered include limbing, height measurement, segment calculations, wedging techniques and hinge placement. The felling is done against the tree’s natural lean and participants also limb and buck using techniques demonstrated in level 2. This class is eligible for 1 TLC CE Credit. Preference is given to loggers in the NYC Watershed Region, and those participating in our programs. This class will take place in the Catskills Region, exact location to…
Find out more »September 2025
Introduces open face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it. Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength. Preference is given to loggers in the NYC Watershed Region, and those participating in our programs. This class will take place in the Catskills Region. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 extension 119 to register.
Find out more »Delhi, NY 13753 United States
Avenza Maps can enhance the planning and implementation of BMPs, and help ensure sustainable and effective timber harvest operations. Learn how to navigate using Avenza, create data and put it to use in a practical field exercise. This class will be taught by WAC foresters and representatives from the Northeast Master Logger Certification Program. To register call Heather Hilson at 607-865-7790 ext. 119
Find out more »October 2025
Delhi, NY 13753 United States
This training covers wildlife habitat, timber harvest planning, soil and water quality protection, and other topics. This class is one of the three core classes required to become Trained Logger Certified. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 extension 119 to register.
Find out more »The level of this Game of Logging class will be based on demand from throughout the year. Preference is given to loggers in the NYC Watershed Region, and those participating in our programs. This class will take place in the Catskills Region, exact location to be determined closer to the day. Call Heather at (607) 865-7790 extension 119 to register.
Find out more »For workshop listings in other NY regions please visit New York Logger Training.