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Enhancing Forage Pasture Access by Drone

September 24 @ 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Drone Farm Demonstration for Enhancing Forage Pasture Access by Control of Multiflora-Rose

Situation: Farm owner, Richard LaTourette, has expressed increased frustration with management and control of Multiflora-rose an invasive plant with increased severity of its spread in pastures which is decreasing productivity of pasture as a forage source for beef production.  Referencing the information provided in the link gives an indication as to why there is an increase in prevalence as we experience a warming climate. The information provides insight into future severity Increasing pasture forage production decreases the import of nutrients on the farm. Export of beef cattle and meat from this farm decreases the Phosphorus load on the farm. This farm is located before the Cannonsville Watershed.

Multiflora rose is a growing concern in Delaware County pastures, along fence lines, in hedge rows and in CRPs. Many other farmers in the county have commented and asked about how to control it. The online website link to NYS Invasive multiflora-rose species information is added.


Objective: is to provide information focused on Multiflora-Rose habitat, a growing concern with management in pastures with using a drone to apply proper herbicides with complete knowledge and understanding of the species, the appropriate herbicide, and what issues encompass the practice.  Drones have provided many other purposes in crop management but as a precursor to addressing all the aspects there is recent interest from several farms in controlling multiflora-rose. 

Discovering Finding the correct herbicide treatment, best growth period for treatment as per the herbicide label, limit killing favorable pasture plant species, and soil health considerations with combined mechanical control. Water quality is a concern especially in CRP areas adjacent to streams and water flow areas.

Further insights on drone use. Gain further understanding and knowledge of how this technology may assist farms to increase productivity such as cover crop termination, crop scouting to heighten management practices, weed control identification, and treatment of other pests.

Presenters: Mike Hunter, Cornell NYS IPM Specialist, Dr. Vipan Kumar, Associate Professor Cornell University Crop and Soil Sciences, Dr. Louis Longchamps, Associate Professor Cornell University Crop and Soil Sciences. and Rick Jordan of CNY Drones, the company that will demonstrate the use of drones to control Multi Flora Rose.

Light refreshments and bottled water will be available

CCA and Pesticide credits available. 

RSVP to Kim Holden at 607-865-7090 or email [email protected] by 9/20/2024




Date: September 24
Time: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Venue Name: Rich-Nan Farm
Address: 7908 County Highway 27
Sidney Center, NY 13839 United States

+ Google Map


Phone: 607-865-7090
Website: nycwatershed.org