All events for Corn Dry Down Days
All events for Corn Dry Down Days
September 2024
Harvesting corn at the correct moisture content is important for preserving this high value crop. The Watershed Ag Program Team, with help from Dairy One Forage Lab, will be testing corn to help farms predict optimum harvest dates. Farms should bring 5 stalks of corn from each field for testing. Dairy One will use NiR rapid testing to determine the dry matter content and the results will be available on site the same day. September 5th: Franklin Town Barn, Corner…
Find out more »Harvesting corn at the correct moisture content is important for preserving this high value crop. The Watershed Ag Program Team, with help from Dairy One Forage Lab, will be testing corn to help farms predict optimum harvest dates. Farms should bring 5 stalks of corn from each field for testing. Dairy One will use NiR rapid testing to determine the dry matter content and the results will be available on site the same day. September 5th: Franklin Town Barn, Corner…
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